How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy Step by Step

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How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy: Little Alchemy is a popular online game that allows players to combine different elements to create new ones. One of the intriguing combinations in the game is creating a lizard. In this article, we will guide you through the process How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this step-by-step guide will help you achieve the desired outcome.

Gathering the Required Elements

Before we can begin creating a lizard, we need to gather the necessary elements. How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, the basic elements are air, earth, fire, and water. Here are the steps to acquire each of these elements:

What can you How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy?

Combine with Create
fire dragon
lizard egg
rainbow chameleon
river alligator
swamp alligator
time dinosaur

Walkthrough for lizard in Little Alchemy

  1. earth + water = mud
  2. air + water = rain
  3. air + fire = energy
  4. earth + rain = plant
  5. mud + plant = swamp
  6. energy + swamp = life
  7. air + life = bird
  8. bird + bird = egg
  9. egg + swamp = lizard

How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy from scratch

  1. Air and Water = Rain
  2. Earth and Rain = Plant
  3. Water and Earth = Mud
  4. Plant and Mud = Swamp
  5. Air and Fire = Energy
  6. Swamp and Energy = Life
  7. Air and Life = Bird
  8. Bird and Bird = Egg
  9. Egg and Swamp = Lizard

1. Air

To create air, combine earth and fire. This combination will result in the element of air.

2. Earth

Earth can be obtained by combining air and water. Once combined, the element of earth will be created.

3. Fire

Fire is a basic element in Little Alchemy. You can find it by combining air and earth.

4. Water

Water is another basic element that can be found at the start of the game.

Combining the Elements

Now that we have the basic elements, we can proceed to combine them in order to create a lizard. Follow these steps to achieve the desired result:

1. Air + Earth

Combine air and earth to create dust.

2. Dust + Fire

Once you have dust, combine it with fire. This combination will result in ash.

3. Earth + Water

Combine earth and water to create mud.

4. Mud + Water

Combine mud with water to create a swamp.

5. Ash + Swamp

Now, combine the ash with the swamp. This combination will yield the desired result – a lizard!

More Post: How to Make Ice in Little Alchemy 2 Step by Step

how to make lizard in little alchemy

Elements How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy

Creating a lizard opens up a whole new range of possibilities in Little Alchemy. By combining a lizard with other elements, you can create various new items. Here are some of the combinations you can try:

1. Lizard + Earth

Combining a lizard with earth will result in a dinosaur.

2. Lizard + Fire

When you combine a lizard with fire, you will get a dragon.

3. Lizard + Water

Combining a lizard with water will create a swamp.

4. Lizard + Air

If you combine a lizard with air, you will get a flying lizard.

These are just a few examples of the combinations you can make using a lizard as one of the elements. Experiment with different combinations to discover even more exciting creations.

how to make lizard in little alchemy

Pros and Cons of Lizard in Little Alchemy

While creating a lizard in Little Alchemy can be fun and open up new possibilities, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of using this element. Here are some advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind:


  1. Versatility: The lizard element allows you to create various other elements like dinosaurs, dragons, and flying lizards, which can add diversity to your gameplay.
  2. Exploration: Creating a lizard provides an opportunity for exploration and experimentation, as you can combine it with other elements to discover new combinations.
  3. Increased Complexity: Including the lizard element adds complexity to the game, making it more challenging and engaging for experienced players.


  1. Limited Use: The lizard element might not have as many combinations as some other elements, which can limit its usefulness in certain situations.
  2. Reversibility: Once you create a lizard, it cannot be reversed or separated back into its original elements. This means that if you want to use the individual elements that make up a lizard, you will need to start from scratch.
  1. Dependency on Other Elements: Creating a lizard requires multiple combinations with other elements like dust, ash, and swamp. This dependency can make the process more time-consuming and complex.
  2. Limited Role: While the lizard element adds variety, it may have a limited role in the overall gameplay. Depending on your personal preferences, you may find other elements more exciting or useful.

It’s important to weigh these pros and cons when deciding whether to create a lizard in Little Alchemy. Consider your gameplay goals, the elements you want to explore, and the level of complexity you desire.

how to make lizard in little alchemy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some frequently asked questions about How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy:

Q1: Can I create a lizard without the basic elements?

A1: No, you need to have the basic elements of air, earth, fire, and water to create a lizard in Little Alchemy.

Q2: How do I find the basic elements if I don’t have them?

A2: The basic elements of air, earth, fire, and water are available at the start of the game. You don’t need to find them separately.

Q3: Can I use different combinations to create a lizard?

A3: No, the specific combinations mentioned in this guide are the only ways to create a lizard in Little Alchemy.

Q4: Are there any alternative methods to create a lizard?

A4: No, the combinations mentioned in this guide are the only methods to create a lizard. There are no alternative ways in the game.

Q5: What other elements can I create with a lizard?

A5: Some of the elements you can create by combining a lizard include dinosaurs, dragons, flying lizards, and swamps.

Q6: Can I reverse the creation of a lizard?

A6: No, once you create a lizard, you cannot reverse the process or separate it back into its original elements.

Q7: How can I make the most of the lizard element in Little Alchemy?

A7: Experiment with combining the lizard with other elements to discover new combinations and create exciting creations in the game.

Q8: Can I create a lizard using different combinations in other versions of Little Alchemy?

A8: The combinations mentioned in this guide are specifically for the standard version of Little Alchemy. Other versions may have different combinations.

Q9: Are there any special properties or abilities associated with a lizard in Little Alchemy?

A9: In Little Alchemy, the elements themselves do not possess special properties or abilities. They are used as building blocks to create other elements.

Q10: Is there a specific order in which I need to combine the elements to create a lizard?

A10: Yes, the combinations need to be made in the order mentioned in this guide to successfully create a lizard.

Q11: Can I create a lizard using more than one method?

A11: No, there is only one method to create a lizard in Little Alchemy, as mentioned in this guide.

Q12: How long does it take to create a lizard in Little Alchemy?

A12: The time it takes to create a lizard depends on your familiarity with the game and the speed at which you can perform the combinations. With practice, the process will become quicker.

Q13: Are there any achievements or rewards associated with creating a lizard?

A13: Little Alchemy does not have specific achievements or rewards for creating individual elements. The game focuses on the joy of exploration and discovery.

Q14: Can I combine a lizard with other lizards to create something new?

A14: No, in Little Alchemy, you cannot combine lizards with each other to create new elements. The combinations mentioned earlier are the only ways to create a lizard.

Q15: Can I create a lizard using different versions of the basic elements?

A15: No, the basic elements of air, earth, fire, and water are consistent across different versions of Little Alchemy. You cannot use alternative versions of these elements to create a lizard.

Q16: Can I undo a combination if I make a mistake?

A16: Unfortunately, once a combination is made in Little Alchemy, it cannot be undone. If you make a mistake, you will need to start over from the beginning.

Q17: Can I create a lizard using other advanced elements?

A17: No, creating a lizard in Little Alchemy requires only the basic elements of air, earth, fire, and water. Advanced elements are not necessary for this specific combination.

Q18: Is it possible to create a lizard with fewer steps?

A18: The combination mentioned in this guide is the most efficient way to create a lizard in Little Alchemy. It requires a specific sequence of combinations to achieve the desired result.

Q19: Can I create a lizard with different ratios of the basic elements?

A19: No, the combinations in Little Alchemy require equal ratios of the basic elements. Deviating from the specified combinations may not produce the desired result.

Q20: Can I create a lizard using different game modes in Little Alchemy?

A20: The combinations and gameplay mechanics are consistent across different game modes in Little Alchemy. You can create a lizard using the same steps in any mode.

Q21: What other creatures can I create in Little Alchemy?

A21: Little Alchemy offers a wide range of possibilities for creating creatures. Some examples include dragons, dinosaurs, unicorns, and mermaids. Explore the game to discover even more.

Q22: Are there any additional tips for creating a lizard?

A22: It’s recommended to follow the combinations precisely and pay attention to the order in which they are performed. Taking your time and being accurate will increase your chances of successfully creating a lizard.

Q23: Can I create a lizard using different variations of the basic elements?

A23: Little Alchemy does not have different variations of the basic elements. The standard versions of air, earth, fire, and water are the ones used in the game.

Q24: Is there a specific location or environment where I can find a lizard in Little Alchemy?

A24: In Little Alchemy, the creation of elements is not tied to specific locations or environments. You can create a lizard anywhere within the game.

Q25: Can I combine a lizard with non-basic elements to create something unique?

A25: Yes, you can experiment with combining a lizard with non-basic elements to create new and unique elements. This adds to the excitement and discovery in the game.

Q26: Are there any time limitations or restrictions for creating a lizard?

A26: Little Alchemy does not impose time limitations or restrictions for creating elements. You can take your time and experiment at your own pace.

Q27: Can I create a lizard using different colors or variations?

A27: In Little Alchemy, elements are represented by their basic form and do not have color or visual variations. A lizard will have the same appearance regardless of the combinations used to create it.

Q28: Can I combine a lizard with other animals to create new creatures?

A28: Little Alchemy focuses on the combination of basic elements rather than complex organisms. You cannot directly combine a lizard with other animals to create new creatures in the game. The combinations mentioned earlier are the primary method for creating a lizard.

Q29: Can I create a lizard using different game platforms or versions?

A29: The combinations and mechanics for creating a lizard remain consistent across different platforms and versions of Little Alchemy. You can use the same steps on any supported platform.

Q30: Is there a specific strategy to increase the chances of successfully creating a lizard?

A30: The key to successfully creating a lizard is to follow the combinations precisely and in the correct order. Pay attention to the sequence and take your time to ensure accuracy.


Creating How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy is an exciting process that opens up new possibilities for exploration and experimentation. By combining basic elements like air, earth, fire, and water, you can successfully create a lizard and use it to create other fascinating elements such as dinosaurs, dragons, and more.

Throughout this article, we provided a step-by-step guide on How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy. We discussed the required elements, the combinations needed, and the pros and cons of using a lizard in the game. Additionally, we addressed frequently asked questions to provide further clarity and guidance.

Now that you have the knowledge and understanding of the process, grab your virtual laboratory and embark on your journey How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy. Unleash your creativity and discover the countless combinations and elements that await you in this captivating game. Enjoy the magical world of alchemy and let your imagination soar!

Tags: How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy, How to Make Lizard in Little Alchemy,

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