How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2 Step by Step

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How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2: Little Alchemy is an enchanting online game that allows players to combine different elements to create new ones. One of the exciting elements you can make in this game is armor. Armor is a protective covering that enhances the defense of the player’s character. In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, providing step-by-step instructions and discussing its uses, associated elements, pros and cons, frequently asked questions, and concluding thoughts.

Uses of Armor

Armor serves as a crucial tool in enhancing the defensive capabilities of your character in How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2. With armor equipped, your character can withstand attacks from enemies, reducing the damage taken. It provides an extra layer of protection, making your character more resilient during battles. Additionally, armor is often required to progress through different stages of the game, where certain enemies or challenges can only be overcome with the help of adequate protection. Let’s explore the uses of armor in more detail.

Headings and Subheadings:

  1. Enhances Defense
  2. Reduces Damage Taken
  3. Enables Progression

Enhances Defense

Armor significantly boosts the defense of your character in How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2. When equipped, it increases the resilience of your character against enemy attacks. Whether you’re facing powerful adversaries or engaging in intense battles, armor acts as a protective shield, minimizing the damage inflicted upon your character.

Reduces Damage Taken

By reducing the damage taken from enemy attacks, armor plays a crucial role in prolonging the lifespan of your character. It absorbs a portion of the damage, effectively reducing the impact on your character’s health. This allows you to stay in battles for longer periods, increasing your chances of success.

Enables Progression

How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, certain challenges or enemies may require your character to have armor in order to advance. Without adequate protection, your character might be unable to withstand the attacks or overcome the obstacles, hindering your progress. Equipping armor allows you to overcome these hurdles and proceed further into the game.

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Elements You Can Make with Armor Combination

There are only two combinations available to make Armor in this game. Here are the two combinations:

  • fabric + metal = armor
  • fabric + steel = armor

1. First Make Plant:

Water + Water Puddle
Puddle + Water / Puddle Pond
Pond + Pond / Water Lake
Lake + Lake / Water Sea
Sea + Earth Primordial Soup
Fire + Fire Energy
Energy + Primordial Soup Life
life + earth soil
soil + life Plant

How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2

2. Second Make Metal:

This is the second step in this step you need to make stone before making metal elements. Here’s how to do it:

first, combine “earth” and “fire” elements together to make “lava”.

Finally, select the “fire” element and drag it on the “stone” element to make the “metal” element in little alchemy 2.

earth + fire lava
air + lava stone
fire + stone metal

3. Third Make Cloud:

Now it’s time for the third step. In this step, you need to combine atmosphere and water elements together to make cloud elements. Here’s how to do it:

earth + earth land
earth + land continent
continent + continent planet
air + planet atmosphere
atmosphere + water cloud


4. Make Armor:

This is the final step. In this step, you need to make cotton and thread-like important elements before making the “armor” element. here is the combinations table for you.

earth + water mud
mud + stone clay
clay + life human
human + stone tool
cloud + plant cotton
cotton + cotton thread
thread + tool fabric
fabric + metal armor

What can you Make with Armor in Little Alchemy 2?

Combine with New Elements
Armor + animal armadillo
Armor + bullet bulletproof vest
Armor + car tank
Armor + cat armadillo
Armor + dog armadillo
Armor + glasses safety glasses
Armor + golem robot
Armor + gun bulletproof vest
Armor + human knight
Armor + life robot
Armor + Warrior knight

Creating armor in How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2 involves combining specific elements to form this protective equipment. Let’s explore the different combinations you can use to make armor:

  1. Metal + Fabric = Armor
  2. Human + Metal = Armor
  3. Metal + Knight = Armor
  4. Metal + Warrior = Armor

Let’s delve into the details of these combinations and understand how they work.

Headings and Subheadings:

  1. Metal + Fabric = Armor
  2. Human + Metal = Armor
  3. Metal + Knight = Armor
  4. Metal + Warrior = Armor

Metal + Fabric = Armor

To create armor, combine the element of metal with fabric. Metal represents the durable material required for armor, while fabric adds a layer of comfort and flexibility. When these two elements combine, they form a complete set of armor for your character.

Human + Metal = Armor

Another way to create armor is by combining the element of a human with metal. Humans possess the ability to forge and craft different objects, including armor. By combining their skills with metal, you can create a formidable armor set for your character.

Metal + Knight = Armor

Combine the element of metal with a knight to produce armor. Knights are known for their prowess in combat and their use of protective gear. By combining their expertise with metal, you can create a sturdy and reliable armor set.

Metal + Warrior = Armor

Warriors, like knights, are skilled combatants who require adequate protection in battles. Combine metal with a warrior element to create a powerful armor set. Warriors are known for their strength and determination, and when combined with the durability of metal, the result is a formidable armor set that enhances the warrior’s defensive capabilities.

How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2

Pros and Cons of Armor

Like any other element in Little Alchemy, armor comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the pros and cons of armor can help you make informed decisions about its usage. Let’s explore them in detail:

Headings and Subheadings:

  1. Pros of Armor
  2. Cons of Armor

Pros of Armor

  1. Increased Defense: The primary benefit of armor is its ability to enhance the defense of your character. It provides an additional layer of protection, reducing the damage taken from enemy attacks.
  2. Extended Survival: With armor equipped, your character can survive longer in battles. By absorbing a portion of the damage, armor prolongs your character’s lifespan, giving you more opportunities to defeat enemies and overcome challenges.
  3. Progression Support: Armor is often required to progress through certain stages of the game. Equipping armor enables you to overcome obstacles and face stronger enemies, allowing you to advance further.
  4. Enhanced Confidence: Having armor boosts your character’s confidence, knowing they have a reliable defense against adversaries. This psychological advantage can positively impact your gameplay and decision-making.

Cons of Armor

  1. Limited Availability: Certain armor combinations may require rare or specific elements. This can make it challenging to obtain armor, especially if the required elements are difficult to find or create.
  2. Resource Consumption: Crafting armor may require significant resources, such as metal or fabric. Depending on the availability of these resources, creating multiple sets of armor can be resource-intensive.
  3. Weight and Mobility: Armor adds weight to your character, potentially reducing mobility and agility. It may limit your character’s movement speed or hinder certain actions, depending on the heaviness of the armor.
  4. Vulnerability to Elemental Attacks: While armor provides excellent defense against physical attacks, it may be less effective against elemental or magical attacks. Some enemies or challenges in Little Alchemy utilize elemental attacks that can bypass or weaken the defense provided by armor.

How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2

30 FAQs About How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2

Here are some frequently asked questions about How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2:

Q1: How do I create armor in Little Alchemy?

A1: You can create armor by combining different elements, such as metal and fabric, metal and a human, metal and a knight, or metal and a warrior.

Q2: Where can I find the metal element?

A2: The metal element can be created by combining fire and stone or by combining electricity and metal.

Q3: How do I obtain the fabric element?

A3: Fabric can be created by combining thread and cotton or by combining cotton and tool.

Q4: Can I create armor using other elements?

A4: No, armor can only be created by combining specific elements as mentioned earlier.

Q5: Can I dismantle armor and use its components for other combinations?

A5: No, armor cannot be dismantled in Little Alchemy. Once created, it remains as a separate element.

Q6: How many sets of armor can I create in the game?

A6: There is no specific limit to the number of armor sets you can create. It depends on the availability of the required elements and your inventory space.

Q7: Does armor have different variations or levels?

A7: No, armor in Little Alchemy is represented as a single element without variations or levels.

Q8: Can I upgrade my armor to make it stronger?

A8: No, armor cannot be upgraded or enhanced in Little Alchemy. Its defensive capabilities are fixed.

Q9: Can I trade or sell armor to other players?

A9: No, Little Alchemy does not have a trading or selling feature for armor or any other elements. The game focuses on the creation and combination of elements to progress and explore.

Q10: Is armor necessary to complete the game?

A10: While armor is not mandatory to complete the game, it greatly enhances your character’s defense and survivability, making it easier to overcome challenges and progress through different stages.

Q11: Can I use armor to defeat all enemies?

A11: Armor provides defense against physical attacks, but it may not be effective against certain enemies that utilize elemental or magical attacks. It is essential to consider different strategies and elements for specific enemies.

Q12: Are there any special abilities associated with armor?

A12: In Little Alchemy, armor primarily focuses on defense and does not provide special abilities or offensive powers.

Q13: Can armor break or degrade over time?

A13: No, armor does not degrade or break in Little Alchemy. Once created, it remains intact and usable.

Q14: Can I customize the appearance of my armor?

A14: Little Alchemy does not offer customization options for armor appearance. It is represented as a single element without visual variations.

Q15: Can I combine different armor sets to create stronger armor?

A15: No, armor sets cannot be combined to create stronger armor. Each armor set is a standalone element with its own properties.

Q16: Does the type of metal used in the armor affect its attributes?

A16: Little Alchemy does not differentiate between different types of metal for armor creation. The focus is on the combination of metal with other elements.

Q17: Can I undo the creation of armor?

A17: Once an element, including armor, is created in Little Alchemy, it cannot be undone or reversed. Make sure to consider your choices before combining elements.

Q18: Can armor be used in combination with other elements for additional effects?

A18: Armor does not have specific combination effects with other elements in Little Alchemy. Its main purpose is to provide defensive capabilities.

Q19: Can I trade armor with other players in multiplayer mode?

A19: Little Alchemy does not have a multiplayer mode or a trading system, so you cannot trade armor with other players.

Q20: Are there any achievements or rewards associated with creating armor?

A20: Little Alchemy does not have specific achievements or rewards for creating armor. The satisfaction comes from the progression and exploration within the game.

Q21: Can I enchant or imbue magical properties into armor?

A21: Enchanting or imbuing armor with magical properties is not a feature in Little Alchemy. Armor focuses solely on defense.

Q22: Are there any limitations on the number of armor sets I can have in my inventory?

A22: Little Alchemy does not impose limitations on the number of armor sets you can have in your inventory. You can create as many armor sets as you want, provided you have the necessary elements.

Q23: Can armor protect against environmental hazards?

A23: Armor in Little Alchemy is primarily designed for defense against enemy attacks and does not provide specific protection against environmental hazards.

Q24: Can I recycle or reuse armor for other combinations?

A24: Armor cannot be recycled or reused for other combinations. Once created, it remains as a separate element.

Q25: Are there any specific tips for effectively using armor in battles?

A25: Make sure to equip armor before engaging in battles or facing challenging enemies. It is also important to strategize and consider elemental weaknesses and strengths for a well-rounded approach to combat.

Q26: Is there a difference in the effectiveness of armor based on the character’s level?

A 26: In Little Alchemy, armor does not have varying effectiveness based on the character’s level. The defensive capabilities of armor remain constant regardless of the character’s level.

Q27: Can armor protect against all types of damage?

A27: Armor primarily protects against physical damage from enemy attacks. However, it may be less effective against elemental or magical damage, which may require additional strategies or elements to counter.

Q28: Can armor be destroyed or lost if my character is defeated in battle?

A28: No, armor remains intact even if your character is defeated in battle. You do not lose the armor as a result of defeat.

Q29: Can armor be repaired if it gets damaged?

A29: Armor does not get damaged or require repairs in Little Alchemy. Once created, it remains in its original state.

Q30: Can I combine armor with other defensive elements for increased protection?

A30: Armor in Little Alchemy is a standalone element focused on defense. It cannot be combined with other defensive elements for increased protection.


In the enchanting world of How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, creating armor is an essential aspect of enhancing your character’s defense and survivability. By combining elements such as metal, fabric, human, knight, or warrior, you can forge powerful armor sets that provide increased defense, extend your character’s survival in battles, and enable progression through challenging stages of the game.

While armor offers significant advantages, it also has limitations. Its availability, resource consumption, and potential mobility constraints should be considered. Additionally, armor may not be effective against elemental or magical attacks. However, despite these limitations, armor remains a valuable tool in your character’s arsenal.

By understanding the combinations, pros and cons, and frequently asked questions about armor in How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, you are now equipped with the knowledge to make informed decisions about its usage and maximize its benefits in your gameplay.

So, gather your elements, combine them with skill, and forge mighty armor to protect your character and conquer the fascinating world of How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2!

Tags: How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2, How to Make Armor in Little Alchemy 2,

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