How to Make Axe in Little Alchemy 2

Little Alchemy 2 is an addictive and creative game that allows players to combine different elements to create new ones. One popular element in the game is the axe, which can be used to unlock various combinations and discover new items. In this article, we will guide you through the process of making an axe in Little Alchemy 2 and explore its uses, combinations, pros and cons, as well as answer some frequently asked questions. So let’s dive in and start crafting!

Table of Contents


Little Alchemy 2 is a puzzle game that provides an exciting and engaging experience for players of all ages. The goal of the game is to combine different elements to create new ones and unlock a vast array of items. One such element is the axe, a crucial tool in the game that allows you to cut down trees, split objects, and uncover hidden combinations. In this section, we will discuss the significance of the axe in Little Alchemy 2 and provide a step-by-step guide on how to create it.

What is Little Alchemy 2?

Little Alchemy 2 is a popular online game that challenges players to combine different elements to create new ones. It offers a unique and creative gameplay experience, encouraging players to experiment with various combinations and discover hidden interactions. The game features a vast collection of elements that can be combined to produce hundreds of new items, including the coveted axe.

The Significance of the Axe

In Little Alchemy 2, the axe serves as a versatile tool that unlocks numerous combinations and opens up new possibilities. With an axe in your inventory, you can chop down trees, break apart objects, and access elements that were previously inaccessible. The axe is an essential element that allows players to progress in the game and discover exciting combinations. Let’s now move on to the process of creating an axe in Little Alchemy 2.

Creating the Axe

To create an axe in Little Alchemy 2, you need to combine two key elements: wood and metal. Follow these steps to make an axe:

  1. Open the Little Alchemy 2 game on your preferred device.
  2. Locate the search bar at the top of the game interface.
  3. Type “wood” into the search bar and select the wood element from the results.
  4. Drag and drop the wood element onto the playing board.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to add the metal element to the playing board.
  6. Once both wood and metal elements are on the board, they will interact and transform into the axe.

Congratulations! You have successfully created an axe in Little Alchemy 2. Now let’s explore the various uses of the axe and how it can enhance your gameplay experience.

Uses of the Axe

The axe is a versatile tool that can be used to interact with different elements in Little Alchemy 2. In this section, we will delve into the various uses of the axe and how it can help you uncover new combinations and items.

Chopping Down Trees

One of the primary uses of the axe in Little Alchemy 2 is chopping down trees. By using the axe on a tree element, you can transform it into wood, which is a fundamental building block for many combinations. Chopping down trees allows you to access new elements and progress further in the game.

Splitting Objects

Apart from trees, the axe can also be used to split certain objects into multiple parts. By combining the axe with an object, you can break it apart and discover hidden elements within. This opens up new possibilities for creating unique combinations and expanding your collection of items.

Revealing Hidden Combinations

In Little Alchemy 2, some combinations are hidden and require the use of the axe to uncover them. By experimenting with the axe on different elements and objects, you may stumble upon previously unknown combinations. This adds an element of discovery and excitement to the gameplay, as you never know what new elements you might find by using the axe.

Accessing Locked Elements

Certain elements in Little Alchemy 2 are initially locked and cannot be interacted with directly. However, with the help of the axe, you can unlock these elements by breaking open barriers or obstacles. This grants you access to a whole new range of elements and combinations, expanding your options for further exploration and experimentation.

Combining with Other Tools

The axe can also be combined with other tools in Little Alchemy 2 to create more advanced items. For example, combining the axe with the human element creates a lumberjack, while combining it with the wheel element results in a cart. These combinations add depth to the gameplay and provide opportunities for even more creative discoveries.

Now that we have explored the various uses of the axe in Little Alchemy 2, let’s move on to discussing the different elements that can be created by combining the axe with other elements.

Step 4: Combinations with the Axe

Combining the axe with different elements in Little Alchemy 2 can result in the creation of new and exciting items. In this section, we will explore a selection of combinations involving the axe and highlight the elements that can be obtained from them.

Axe + Earth

  • Result: Shovel

By combining the axe with the earth element, you can create a shovel. The shovel is a useful tool in the game, allowing you to dig and uncover buried elements or interact with the ground in various ways.

Axe + Human

  • Result: Lumberjack

Combining the axe with the human element creates a lumberjack. The lumberjack can be used to interact with trees and other wooden elements, making it easier to obtain wood and explore new combinations.

Axe + Wheel

  • Result: Cart

Combining the axe with the wheel element produces a cart. The cart is a transportation item that allows you to move elements around more efficiently and access different areas of the game board.

Axe + Metal

  • Result: Blade

When the axe is combined with the metal element, it transforms into a blade. The blade can be used in various combinations, including those involving weapons or sharp objects.

Axe + Tree

  • Result: Wood

Combining the axe with the tree element results in wood. As mentioned earlier, wood is a fundamental building block in Little Alchemy 2, and it can be used in numerous combinations to create new elements.

Axe + Stone

  • Result: Flint

By combining the axe with the stone element, you can create flint. Flint can be used in combinations involving fire or spark elements, making it essential for unlocking specific combinations.

These are just a few examples of the combinations involving the axe in Little Alchemy 2. The game offers a vast array of possible combinations, and experimenting with different elements can lead to exciting discoveries.

Now that we have explored the uses and combinations of the axe, let’s take a closer look at its pros and cons in the game.

Pros and Cons of the Axe

Like any tool in a game, the axe in Little Alchemy 2 comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. In this section, we will discuss the pros and cons of using the axe and how it can impact your gameplay experience.


  1. Unlocking Combinations: The axe allows you to unlock hidden combinations and discover new elements, adding an element of surprise and excitement to the game.
  2. Progression: By chopping down trees and accessing locked elements, the axe helps you progress through the game and unlock new possibilities for exploration.
  1. Versatility: The axe can be combined with various elements to create new items and tools, expanding your options for creativity and discovery.
  2. Interaction: The axe allows you to interact with different objects and elements in the game, opening up opportunities to experiment and find unique combinations.
  3. Enhanced Gameplay: With the axe in your inventory, you have a powerful tool at your disposal that enhances your overall gameplay experience and keeps you engaged.


  1. Limited Use: While the axe is versatile, its primary use is related to trees and wooden elements. It may not be as effective or necessary for combinations that don’t involve these elements.
  2. Dependency on Wood: Some combinations require wood as an ingredient, which means you may need to have a constant supply of trees to use the axe effectively.
  3. Limited Combination Possibilities: While the axe can unlock hidden combinations, its range of interactions is limited compared to other elements in the game.
  4. Restricted to Certain Objects: The axe can only be used on specific objects or elements that are designed to be interacted with using this tool. It may not have a purpose or function for other elements in the game.
  5. Risk of Overlooking Combinations: Relying too heavily on the axe may cause you to overlook other potential combinations or elements that can be discovered through different means.

These pros and cons highlight the overall significance of the axe in Little Alchemy 2, while also shedding light on its limitations. Understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions on when and how to utilize the axe in your gameplay.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we will address some common questions and provide answers to help clarify any queries you may have regarding the axe in Little Alchemy 2.

1. How do I make an axe in Little Alchemy 2?

To make an axe in Little Alchemy 2, combine the wood and metal elements.

2. What can I do with the axe in the game?

The axe can be used to chop down trees, split objects, reveal hidden combinations, access locked elements, and combine with other tools to create advanced items.

3. Can I use the axe on any element in the game?

No, the axe is primarily designed to interact with trees, wooden elements, and specific objects that can be split or broken apart.

4. Are there any alternative methods to obtain wood without using the axe?

Yes, wood can also be created by combining other elements, such as tree and fire.

5. Can the axe be used to create weapons?

While the axe itself cannot create weapons, it can be combined with other elements to form blades or sharp objects that can be used in weapon combinations.

6. Is the axe a necessary element to progress in the game?

The axe is not a mandatory element, but it greatly enhances your gameplay experience and opens up new possibilities for combinations and discoveries.

7. Can the axe be used multiple times, or is it consumed after one use?

The axe is a reusable tool in the game, and you can continue to use it for various interactions without it being consumed.

8. Are there any special combinations involving the axe that yield unique elements?

While the combinations involving the axe produce useful items, they do not yield any unique or secret elements exclusive to the axe.

9. Can the axe be combined with other tools to create advanced tools or items?

Yes, the axe can be combined with other tools in the game to create more advanced items, such as a lumberjack or a cart.

10. Are there any specific strategies or tips to optimize the use of the axe in Little Alchemy 2?

  • Experiment: Don’t be afraid to try the axe on different elements and objects. You never know what combinations or interactions you might discover.
  • Prioritize Trees: Since the primary use of the axe is to chop down trees, make sure to have a good supply of wood for future combinations.
  • Explore Locked Elements: Use the axe to break open barriers or obstacles and unlock previously inaccessible elements. This can lead to new combinations and discoveries.
  • Combine with Other Tools: Combine the axe with other tools to create more advanced items. This can expand your options and provide unique combinations.
  • Don’t Overlook Alternatives: While the axe is valuable, remember that there are often multiple ways to obtain certain elements. Explore other combinations and methods as well.
  • Keep Track of Discoveries: Maintain a record or checklist of the elements you have created with the axe. This helps you track your progress and ensures you don’t miss any important combinations.
  • Enjoy the Process: Little Alchemy 2 is a game of exploration and creativity. Enjoy the journey of discovering new elements and combinations with the help of the axe.

These tips can help you optimize your use of the axe and make the most out of your gameplay experience in Little Alchemy 2.

11. Can I undo the use of the axe in the game?

No, once you have used the axe on an element or object, the action cannot be undone. However, you can always create the element again or start a new game if desired.

12. Are there any specific combinations involving the axe that I should prioritize?

While there are no specific combinations involving the axe that are essential for progress, it is recommended to prioritize combinations that involve wood. Wood is a versatile element that can be used in numerous combinations and is essential for unlocking many other elements.

13. Can I sell or trade the axe with other players in Little Alchemy 2?

No, Little Alchemy 2 is a single-player game, and there is no option to sell, trade, or transfer items, including the axe, to other players.

14. Can I use the axe to create rare or legendary elements?

The axe itself does not directly create rare or legendary elements. However, by using the axe to unlock combinations and access locked elements, you may come across rare or legendary elements in the game.

15. Are there any achievements or rewards associated with using the axe?

Little Alchemy 2 does not have specific achievements or rewards tied to the use of the axe. However, the satisfaction of unlocking new combinations and expanding your collection of elements can be considered a rewarding aspect of the game.

16. Can I upgrade or improve the axe in any way?

No, the axe in Little Alchemy 2 does not have any upgrade or improvement options. It retains its basic functionality throughout the game.

17. Can I use the axe to interact with elements on the game board that are not initially visible?

No, the axe can only be used on elements that are already visible and accessible on the game board. It cannot uncover or interact with hidden elements.

18. Can I use the axe to destroy or remove unwanted elements from the game board?

No, the axe does not have the ability to destroy or remove elements from the game board. It is primarily used to transform or unlock specific elements.

19. Are there any specific combinations involving the axe that are considered rare or unique?

While there are no specific combinations involving the axe that are considered rare or unique, the combinations it participates in can lead to the creation of valuable or interesting elements in the game.

20. Can I obtain multiple axes in the game?

Yes, you can create multiple axes in Little Alchemy 2 if desired. The axe is a reusable tool, and you can have multiple copies of it in your inventory.

These additional FAQs should provide further clarification on various aspects of the axe in Little Alchemy 2. Happy exploring and crafting!

21. Can I use the axe to interact with elements that are already on the game board, or do I need to drag them onto the board first?

You need to drag the elements onto the game board before you can use the axe on them. The axe interacts with elements that are placed on the board, not with elements in the search bar.

22. Can I use the axe to cut down objects other than trees?

No, the axe is specifically designed to cut down trees in Little Alchemy 2. It does not have any effect on other objects or elements in the game.

23. Are there any specific combinations involving the axe that yield rare or valuable elements?

While there are no specific combinations involving the axe that guarantee rare or valuable elements, experimentation is key in Little Alchemy 2. Try combining the axe with different elements to discover new and interesting combinations that may lead to rare or valuable outcomes.

24. Can I use the axe to create unique combinations that are not listed in the game?

The combinations in Little Alchemy 2 are predetermined and listed in the game. While the axe can be used to unlock hidden combinations, it cannot create entirely unique combinations that are not part of the game’s predefined list.

25. Can I use the axe to interact with elements that I have already discovered?

Yes, you can use the axe on elements that you have already discovered. It may unlock new combinations or reveal hidden interactions with those elements.

26. Can I use the axe on objects other than trees to obtain wood?

No, the axe can only be used on trees to obtain wood. Other objects or elements in the game will not yield wood when the axe is used on them.

27. Can I use the axe to split already combined elements?

No, the axe does not have the ability to split or separate elements that have already been combined. Its primary function is to chop down trees and interact with wooden elements.

28. Can I use the axe to remove unwanted elements from my inventory?

No, the axe cannot be used to remove elements from your inventory. Once an element is obtained, it remains in your inventory until you use it in a combination or restart the game.

29. Can I use the axe to interact with animals or living creatures in the game?

No, the axe cannot be used to interact with animals or living creatures in Little Alchemy 2. Its functionality is limited to specific objects and elements within the game.

30. Can I use the axe in combination with other elements to create a specific outcome?

Yes, combining the axe with different elements can lead to various outcomes. Experimentation is encouraged to discover unique combinations and their corresponding results.

These additional FAQs should provide further clarification on various aspects of the axe in Little Alchemy 2. Enjoy the game and have fun crafting with the axe!


The axe in Little Alchemy 2 is a valuable tool that enhances gameplay and opens up new possibilities for combinations and discoveries. By combining wood and metal, you can create this versatile tool and utilize it to chop down trees, split objects, reveal hidden combinations, and access locked elements. The axe is a key element in Little Alchemy 2, allowing you to interact with the game world in unique ways and progress further in your exploration.

While the axe has its limitations and is primarily focused on wooden elements, it offers a range of advantages, including the ability to unlock combinations, enhance gameplay, and combine with other tools for more advanced items. By understanding the uses, combinations, pros and cons, and frequently asked questions about the axe, you can navigate the game more effectively and enjoy the process of creating new elements.

So grab your virtual axe, dive into the world of Little Alchemy 2, and start uncovering the vast array of combinations and discoveries that await you. Happy crafting!

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